Blog Post

Another big pavilion pledge

Simon Vigar • 30 January 2021

Pavilion2022 campaign

Pavilion2022 is delighted to announce another big pledge of £25,000. The fundraising team has been busy bidding for grants from charitable bodies and this latest pledge comes from an institution which prefers, at this stage, to remain anonymous. Other major grant bids are also in.

Pavilion2022 is Fernhurst’s campaign to rebuild at the village recreation ground. The pavilion is the last piece in the jigsaw after major improvements to the pitches and the addition of tennis courts and cricket nets. Graham Heath of Fernhurst Recreation Ground Trust said “When you know that others outside the village, having read and considered our plans, support it with a pledge of £25,000, it is very encouraging and spurs us all on to get it done.”

Traditional fundraising events remain on hold but the ambition is to stage the Blackdown Hill Challenge later in the year, when it is safe to do so. More than £220,000 has been raised towards the Pavilion2022 target of £700,000.

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