Blog Post

Covid latest: limited opening of nets

Simon Vigar • 15 May 2020

Free membership and booking system

Message from Chairman Jon Meier:

Following HM Government’s announcement earlier this week and after extensive refurbishment work I am delighted to be able to re-open Fernhurst Cricket Club’s net facilities.

These are available to book for 'SOLE USE ONLY’ for FCC members only at allocated time slots that can be booked on the member system (for free). You must only use the nets if you have booked a slot and bring the email confirmation with you. Only two slots can be booked by a member on any day to make sure there is enough capacity for all who want to make use of the nets.

To register as a member please access the membership options under the Join FCC tab. Until the end of June membership for seniors over 18 and women over 18 is free. To book use the online store on the member system here -

When using the nets please observe the following rules so we can continue to keep this facility open and safe for all to use:

· Use your own equipment only

· When using the nets ensure that only one household or two individuals from different households are present

· Observe social distancing when coming to use the nets and leaving

· Refrain from touching any surfaces where possible

· Hand sanitiser is in place in the nets for participants use

Any questions or problems with using the nets or making a booking please contact me either by phone on 07841 397151 or email at

Jon Meier
FCC Chairman
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