Cricket is back
Simon Vigar • 6 July 2020
Village rejoices as Fernhurst World Cup is saved
Forget Wimbledon and the Lord's Test, the highlight of Britain's sporting summer has been saved in the nick of time. Yes, the Fernhurst World Cup will take place on July 12th, showcasing teams representing the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It will be the first senior match on the Rec in 2020 after the extraordinary, Covid delay to the cricket season, along with every other sport.
Junior training began last weekend and league cricket will return on the 18th. The ECB is expected to publish the restrictions soon but play will be 'socially distanced'. After weeks of confusion the Prime Minister announced last week that club cricket is now permitted.
The Northern hemisphere is represented by Fernhurst's Sunday XI while 'Southern' is a collection of enthusiastic villagers who hail from beneath the equator. South 'won' last year after being granted a ludicrous 100-run advantage. They are holders of the prestigious Fernhurst World Cup but not for long ...