Blog Post

Presidential change

Simon Vigar • 19 November 2022

John Mitchell bows out

Amid much thanks and applause, John Mitchell OBE stood down as our President at the club's Annual General Meeting on Thursday 17th November. John had been in post since 2009 and has helped to transform not just the club but the whole recreation ground. It was wholly appropriate the meeting took place in the new pavilion.

FCC Chairman Jon Meier presented John Mitchell with a framed honours cap and a bottle of his favourite malt whisky. Jon said "Since 2009, John has been a prominent supporter, spectator and adviser to the club and I have found his counsel invaluable in my time as Chairman. It is fitting that John is able to see the fruits of his labours in being a key member of the trustees driving the pavilion project and seeing the club in such good shape. As he stands down as President, a new era for the club is on the horizon."

The AGM approved Honorary Life Membership for John Mitchell, who is now one of four HLMs, joining John Allen, Stan Cobbold and Trevan Hingston. John expressed his pride in the club and his confidence in our future. He said he deeply appreciated the gifts along with honorary life membership.

So, who next? Well, it is someone who has worked very closely with John in the Pavilion2022 project and is already one of our Vice Presidents. Jon Meier told the meeting the committee had invited Bill Gourlay to become President of Fernhurst CC and was delighted to say he accepted. Although a non-executive role, John has demonstrated the President's importance as a figurehead who is able to give guidance and to fundraise.

Sadly, due to the date of the AGM changing, Bill wasn't able to attend but he later said "I am honoured to be invited to take up the baton from John Mitchell as President of the club. The changes seen during John’s tenure have taken us from a club on the brink of extinction, to one of the most successful in the area, with teams thriving across men's, women's and junior categories. Our fantastic, brand new pavilion was only possible through his vision, influence and leadership. Thanks for all of your hard work John, you’ve left some incredibly large shoes to fill!” 

Bill is a regular player for the club, a former captain of the Sunday XI and one of the army of junior coaches. Ten years ago he was instrumental in getting the nets funded and constructed. Thanks to Bill and, while we are at it, thanks to our other Vice Presidents for their roles in the Pavilion2022 project.

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